Thursday, November 15, 2007

Day One -- Another Fool's Progress

November 15, 2007
central Pennsylvania

Cool, gray and drizzley in central Pennsylvania. To my left a flop-eared rabbit scampers & scratches around in its own food and excrement. Poor bunny. Caged up for its own protection--the housecat may have had claws surgically removed at the knuckle, but the fangs still present a mortal threat to our bunny friend.

The housecat's prison is not as cramped or apparent as the bunny's tiny cage, but this housecat stays home, remains within the walls, appears to find Quixotic excitement in its confined and closely regulated little world. The housecat shows only passive interest in the caged rabbit and the caged tropical birds.

But so what? I cannot save the bunny. The tropical birds could not survive the cool autumn nights. Some creatures need their prisons. They are doomed. But one of the humans confined here has the means to free himself from the physical confines. It will take months not weeks.

The process is already in motion. Escape is possible. There is work to be done!

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